When you notice that your pet has fleas, you may be worried about how to get rid of the fleas. Fleas may not stay on your pet. They will hop off in search of other hosts. This means that they can spread throughout your home. Considering that a single flea can lay more than fifty eggs a day and that those eggs will fall off your pet, you do have reason to worry about fleas living in your bed and in other areas of the home.
Unfortunately, fleas can live in a bed. They may also live in your sofa or in your carpet. They are most likely infesting your pet’s bed as well. It will take a series of specific steps to deal with fleas that have decided to make your home theirs. You may already have treated your pet, which is the first step. These steps will help you rid your home of fleas.
Wash Your Bedding: Gather up your bedding and wash it in hot water and then dry it on high heat. In order to deal with it effectively, it is best to wash everything all at once, and you may need to go to a laundry mat. To avoid spreading fleas to your car or other people, double bag your items and throw the bags away after you are at the laundry mat.
Vacuum Your Furniture: Vacuuming your bed and your furniture can help clear up any fleas because it will vacuum up the adults and the eggs. After vacuuming, you will need to talk the vacuum bag out to the trash. If you have a bag less vacuum, empty it into a trash bag outside and immediately dispose of it.
Vacuum Your Carpets: Flea eggs will drop off your pet, and a large portion land in the carpet. Fortunately, they are not sticky and a vacuuming carefully can pick up a lot of them. You should vacuum on a daily basis until your home is flea free.
Schedule a Flea Treatment: A professional flea treatment will get rid of any remaining fleas that may be in your home. The treatments are more effective than flea powders and are not as messy. You can also have a preventive applied to your yard.
If you are primarily being bitten in your bed, and you do not notice that your pet scratching more often, you may have a problem other than fleas. Bed bugs are becoming much more common. Check to see if you have blood stains in your sheets or that your bites appear in a row. If you see these signs, you may have bed bugs, and you should schedule an inspection and treatment for that instead. Bed bugs are very difficult to treat on your own. They are also difficult to spot and nocturnal. An exterminator is trained on how to find them and treat them effectively.
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