Fleas can quickly make your cat miserable. It is easy for a cat to pick up fleas while out roaming the neighborhood or when interacting with other cats. It is important to act quickly if you suspect your cat may have fleas. This can stop one or two fleas from turning into an infestation.
1. Verify the Fleas
The best way to check if your cat has fleas is to look closely to see if you can see small insects in the fur. You can also use a metal flea comb that will catch any fleas. Dip the comb into warm soapy water after each stroke to kill any fleas that it catches.
2. Treat the Fleas
You will need to treat your animal for fleas if you find them. The best way to do this is through a treatment that will work against all stages of fleas. There are topical treatments where you apply an oil to their back or you can give them an oral medicine that will stop the fleas. This will stop the fleas in their tracks. You may also want to try a powder or shampoo to immediately kill all of the adult fleas on your pet. However, these will only provide a temporary solution. It is best to use a preventative measure each month to stop this from happening again. You can ask your vet for a recommendation or buy an over-the-counter option like a flea collar.
3. Treat Your Home
Fleas spread quickly and they will not just stay on your pet. If your cat has fleas, there is a good chance that fleas are lurking somewhere else in your home and they may be waiting to hop onto you for their next meal. You can begin by washing all of your bedding, and vacuuming thoroughly. This is often not enough and you need to consider treating your entire home for fleas. A professional exterminator can help you quickly eliminate the fleas in your home with a treatment. You can also help to prevent fleas by treating your yard for fleas. Contact Mosquito Tek to learn more.
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