Mosquitoes can be an annoyance, and it is even worse when they get into your home. Before you realize it, you may have quite a few mosquito bites. Another issue is that mosquitoes can spread serious diseases like the Zika virus and West Nile virus. There are a few steps that you can take to prevent mosquitoes from getting in your home.
Treat Your Yard
One of the first things you can do is to treat your yard for mosquitoes. Applying a mosquito barrier spray around your yard will eliminate adult mosquitoes and stop new one from coming in. Understanding the life cycle of mosquitoes is essential in knowing that by applying larvicide to standing water you can stop any larvae from developing into adult mosquitoes. Mosquito Tek offers a summer plan that provides regular mosquito treatments, which should stop mosquitoes from getting into your yard.
Address Standing Water
Mosquitoes need standing water to breed. They can breed in just a capful of water. Working to eliminate any standing water around your home will help to reduce the number of mosquitoes that may make it into your home. Regularly check your yard to make sure that there are no containers that can collect standing water and you may need to address drainage issues if your yard turns swampy after a storm.
Standing water can also be an issue inside of your home. Check flower pots, vases and other containers that may hold water. Each container needs to be emptied out weekly and scrubbed in order to stop mosquito eggs from hatching and to kill developing larvae. If there is a serious problem in your home, you may want to treat your home or do a check for any water leaks to help eliminate places where they may be resting.
Check Your Screens
The final step you can take is to make sure that all of your window screens are in good repair. This can make a big difference in the number of mosquitoes that are currently in your home. If you do not already have screen doors installed in your home, you may want to consider adding them. This can reduce the number of mosquitoes and allows you to still have a breeze in your home during the evenings.
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