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Showing posts from December, 2017

10 Facts About Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be a pesky insect. Known for ruining outdoor barbecues and parties as well as for spreading serious diseases there may not be a lot to love about mosquitoes. Here are ten facts about the pesky little insect. 1. There are over 3500 species of mosquitoes around the world. However, there are only about 175 species in the United States and West Virginia has the fewest species of mosquitoes. 2. Mosquitoes like warm weather and will develop more quickly in the perfect temperature of around 80 degrees. Some mosquitoes hibernate. When it reaches about 50 degrees they begin to look for places to burrow into. Others will lay their eggs in freezing water so they can hatch when it warms up. 3. Male mosquitoes do not suck blood. They feed on flower nectar instead. They also have a much shorter life span of about ten days. 4. Female mosquitoes need to feed on blood in order to lay their eggs. They also have a longer lifespan and can live up to 54 days. 5. Mosquitoes transmit disease t...

5 Mosquito Borne Illnesses

Mosquitoes are known carriers for several different diseases. The diseases can be spread be spread by the mosquito biting someone who is infected and then biting a new victim with a virus or by carrying a parasite. It is important to understand the different diseases that mosquitoes cause so that you can recognize the symptoms and seek medical attention when necessary. 1. Malaria A malaria infection is caused by parasitic protozoan. Usually symptoms appear between ten to fifteen days of being bitten. The symptoms include fatigue, vomiting, headaches and fever. It is important to seek treatment because a reinfection can occur several months later. Additionally, this may be fatal in small children and vulnerable populations. There is not a vaccine for the disease, but the treatments are very effective. It is most prevalent in the sub tropic regions. 2. West Nile Virus The West Nile virus is usually passed between birds, but mosquitoes can pass it onto humans as well. About eighty percent...

Life Cycle of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are pesky insects. When you think about them, you likely think about the itchy annoying bites that they leave behind. There are over 3500 species of mosquitoes, with about 175 species living in the United States. In order to prevent mosquitoes, it is important to understand the different stages in their life cycle. Eggs Mosquitoes begin as eggs, and the eggs only hatch when exposed to water. Mosquitoes will look for standing water to lay their eggs, but they may also choose a swampy area that will become wet after they are laid. The time that the eggs take to hatch is dependent on the current conditions. Some mosquitoes lay a raft of eggs, where the eggs stick together, while others will lay single eggs. Larvae When mosquitoes are larvae they are water insects. They spend their time feeding and swimming in the water. Some will come to the surface to breathe. During this time, the larvae will molt several times until they become pupae. Pupae During this stage, the mosquito wi...

Mosquito Borne Diseases

Are you worried about the mosquitoes plaguing your home and family? Although most people are annoyed by itchy mosquito bites, mosquitoes can carry viruses that can cause serious complications in many people. Many people may initially think about diseases like malaria or yellow fever, which are more common in other countries. However, there are still serious mosquito spread illnesses in the United States. Learn about five diseases that affect people in the Mid-Atlantic region. The West Nile Virus The West Nile Virus is spread through infected mosquitoes. According to the CDC most people who are infected will not have any symptoms, but about 1 in 5 will develop a fever, while 1% will end up a serious sometimes fatal illness. There is not vaccine or treatment available for treatment of the West Nile Virus. Zika Virus The Zika Virus is new to the United States. Although the initial symptoms are mild and generally resolve on their own, Zika has been shown to be dangerous to pregnant women b...

Three Diseases that Ticks Carry

Ticks have a bad reputation for a good reason. These small parasitic pets will attach themselves to a host and feed for up to 48 hours at a time. When attaching with the host, the saliva from the tick will mix with the blood of the host and this is how the disease is spread. Ticks can be difficult to spot and make it hard to prevent the transmission of disease. Here are some diseases that ticks can transmit. 1. Lyme Disease Symptoms: Bulls-eye rash around the bite Achy joints and stiffness Fever Headaches Short-term memory issues Lyme disease is a serious condition that is prevalent throughout the United States. It is spread by the blacklegged tick. Lyme disease can be treated with a round of antibiotics. Catching and diagnosing Lyme disease early can help prevent the more serious symptoms from developing. If it takes years to diagnose the disease, it may take much longer to recover and some people’s health may never fully recover. 2. Tularemia Symptoms: Ulcer at the location ...

5 Facts About Ticks

Ticks are a parasitic arachnid. Adult ticks have eight legs and are related to spiders and mites. Many people mistakenly call them insects, but no matter what you call them ticks can be a major nuisance. They carry serious diseases and can harm you, your loved one and your pets. Here are five facts about ticks. 1. Number of Ticks There are about 850 different species of ticks. Not all of them will carry diseases, but some do. Common ticks in the United States include the Lone Star tick, the blacklegged tick, the brown dog tick and the Gulf Coast tick. These ticks are found in the south and along the East coast. 2. Ticks Can Cause You to Develop Allergies People have recently begun to develop allergies to beef and other meats after being bitten by the Lone Star tick. The Lone Star tick can be identified by the single dot on its back. The allergy will worsen overtime and may start out as simply feeling sick when eating red meat. Overtime it will worsen and can eventually get to the point...

5 Ways to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching

There is no denying how miserable a mosquito bite can make you. The itching can drive you crazy and it seems like anytime you get a new bite, they all start itching again. Scratching the bite can give you scars. It is important to stop yourself from scratching. There can be complications if you scratch your bug bite and it becomes infected. If you see signs of redness, streakiness, swelling or the area is hot to the touch, you need to see a doctor immediately. There are steps you can take to relieve the itchiness and prevent scarring. 1. Over the Counter Medications There are a number of ways that you can stop the itchiness with over-the-counter medications. You can take an antihistamine like Benadryl or another allergy medicine to reduce the itchiness. Another option is to apply calamine lotion or use a topical cream or numbing agent like lidocaine. Another option is to use a mild over-the-counter corticosteroid cream. 2. Oatmeal Baths Oatmeal baths are a great way to relieve itchines...

5 Things to Help Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Yard

Although mosquito season is currently coming to an end, there are 5 steps you can take now to help prevent mosquitoes from plaguing you in the future. There are certain conditions that attract mosquitoes, and while you may not be able to eliminate them completely, it can certainly help to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. 1. Address Drainage Issues in Your Yard This is the biggest project that you may take on to prevent mosquitoes. If you have a corner of your yard that stays damp or collects pooling water when it rains. This may mean that you need to grade the area so that the water has a chance to drain. You may need to have a professional determine if you should install a drainage system in your yard. It may be that you need to trim back the foliage or clear out the underbrush so that the area receives more direct sunlight to allow it to dry more quickly. 2. Fix Your Water Features If you have water features in your yard, you may be creating a natural breeding ground for...

Protecting Yourself from Ticks and the Diseases They Carry

Ticks are a very small insect that’s capable of creating a lot of problems for whatever it decides to latch onto. And because of their size they’re often difficult to spot. And worst of all is the fact that ticks are known carriers of several serious diseases, such as Babeosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme Disease. Luckily, with a bit of information and foresight there are a number of things you can do to mitigate the amount of damage a tick can cause--as well as prevent encounters with them all together. Getting To Know Ticks It helps to have some basic understanding of ticks and their behavior in order to guard against them. Ticks are small--about the size of a sesame seed, which means you’ll likely not be able to spot them out in the wild. They feed on blood and they"re most active between March and May and then between August and November. In order to find prey, ticks will use a tactic known as questing. Questing is when a tick will wait on the end of a bl...

All About the West Nile Virus

The West Nile Virus is a common mosquito borne disease throughout the United States. It has been found throughout the continental United States and is not just contained to one region or area. It affects birds, and often the birds will die once they become infected.  This is one of the signs that the West Nile virus is active in the area. How Does the West Nile Virus Affect People? According to the CDC , most people do not have any symptoms when they contract the West Nile virus. However about twenty percent of people who catch it end up with a fever. They may have additional symptoms include achy joints, a headache, nausea and vomiting or a rash. About 1 in 150 of people end up developing more serious complications that can cause meningitis and encephalitis. What Is the Treatment Plan for West Nile Virus? Currently there is no specific treatment for the West Nile virus. Instead, medical professionals will manage the symptoms. They will need to closely monitor the patient if they d...